Hello and thank you for your service,
I am so honored to be part of your physical and mental well-being. My grandfather received a Silver Star for his heroic acts in World War II and my father was in the Army Special Forces and I was born on a US base in Germany so the US military has always been near and dear to my heart. For all of the men and women who protect and serve our country, I would like to offer one week free to my all-access on-demand training and an ongoing monthly price of only $9.99.
Showing gratitude I am donating 20% of all proceeds to Merging Vets and Players, a non-profit organization that helps empower, inspire and motivate combat veterans and professional athletes to have a team when the uniform comes off and to know they are not alone.
I look forward to seeing you all soon and remember,
Keep Smiling!
Tim “Heal the Pain” Lane
All-access on-demand training platform,
no equipment needed to start!
100+ workout videos that include boxing, yoga, katas, stick boxing,
EFT (emotional freedom tapping) aka psychological acupuncture also learn to:
- Build confidence
- Build leadership skills
- Have fun
- Self defense
- Connect with others pain free
- Relieve stress
- Elevate mood
Take your boxing technique to the next level! While boosting your energy & gaining focus.
Special Pricing For Active Military & Veterans
Stickboxing helps improve brain activation , defense & your punching technique! Perfect for any age, male or female & those with disabilities!
The Stickboxing System uses a pair of 20” padded sticks as an extension of the arm to develop superior boxing muscle memory for the elbows and the hand positioning.
Complementary first 7 Days access to our online training portal.
LIMITED TIME $29.99 $9.99
“Stickboxing is fun and has improved my boxing skills in ways that I never imagined”
“Before Stickboxing i tried a couple of programs locally, and nothing really helped my boxing game. Signing up to Stickboxing by Tim Lane helped my technique tremendously! Stickboxing has helped the snap of my strikes and love the sound it makes”
"The boxing sticks have helped improve my fighting position." Whether it was by helping me lose weight or providing me with the fundamentals of boxing, Tim Lane’s Stickboxing Course has unquestionably changed my life for the better!
"Stickboxing is fun and it makes me feel good.. I have been training for a month now and they have taught me so much already."
"Stickboxing has helped my kickboxing combos flow and improved my defense.. I recommend this program to my friends and family! "